IFCD 3 Annual Reports… not just about numbers

It’s not unusual for us, our friends and relatives to receive annual reports in our mailboxes. Whether from employers, personal or business investments, nonprofit groups or neighborhood clubs, many organizations take time each year to update important audiences on key topics and accomplishments.

Since 2011, IFCD 3 has reported the result of our efforts to our community each spring. Just as the children’s rhyme reminds us that “April showers bring May flowers”, spring is a busy time for flood control. During this time, we frequently experience rainfall amounts across Valley Ranch that require our attention. Spring also is when your District team is double-checking preparations for the summer severe storm season. Raising awareness for our work at this time of year helps ensure individual and business residents are informed as to how we operate on your behalf all year long.

In the first two years, our reports were – to coin a phrase from Jack Webb in the old Dragnet TV series – “Just the facts, ma’am”, focusing on basic activities within the District. Starting with the third year of publication, our annual reports started taking on specific themes, while retaining key updates on major projects, team members and financial management of the District. These have included the top-five questions about IFCD 3, reliability, our educational outreach, and how people and the flood control process interact.

The most controversial of themes may have been the 2017-2018 report addressing trash. Most of our annual report endeavors have featured attractive photos and graphics depicting IFCD 3’s work throughout Valley Ranch, but the cover shot for the ’17-’18 annual was an unattractive image of trash in one of the District’s waterways. The decision was made to veer from ‘pretty’ to ‘ugly’ to reinforce the significance of litter blowing into District waterways and handling facilities, providing a means to highlight added waste removal costs and increased maintenance work associated with trash management… not to mention its impact on overall community appearance.

If you haven’t had an opportunity to read the report that came out several weeks ago, covering the fiscal year October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020, you can read it on the IFCD 3 website. In the meantime, you can get up-to-date information on IFCD 3 news and activities through our other WaterWays blogs and IFCD 3’s social media channels – including Facebook and Twitter.