Introducing an Online Resource for Students

For the past six years, IFCD 3 has partnered with the local elementary schools throughout Valley Ranch to educate second and third-grade students on weather patterns and flood control.

After receiving multiple requests to expand the program to homeschoolers and students who might be searching for summer school or additional learning opportunities, we worked to put together a solution that met these requests.

While we continue to partner with local elementary schools, we’ve created a second lesson course in an online, self-guided format to increase the number of students that are able to access our educational resources. The online course, IFCD 3 for Kids, includes a self-guided presentation, a workbook, a coloring book and links to additional resources and videos from trusted experts in the field.

IFCD 3 for Kids is designed for Valley Ranch students, featuring presentation photos and coloring pages that bring the waterways and canals of Valley Ranch to life. However, IFCD 3 for Kids is free for all students, regardless of where they live!

We encourage our readers to help us spread the word about this new educational resource for elementary students.

We’re always on a mission to deliver excellence. If you have feedback about the course, please share your feedback with us by contacting us at

To stay in the know about IFCD 3’s latest updates and learn more about our mission to deliver flood control to Valley Ranch, explore the rest of our website, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.