Steps You Can Take to Prepare for Spring Showers

Spring is on the horizon, and with it comes blooming flowers and rain showers. As beautiful as spring can be, it also brings an increased risk of flooding. In an effort to keep Valley Ranch safe from severe flooding throughout the spring season, we’re sharing a set of activities you can take part in for the betterment of your property, as well as the greater Valley Ranch community.


After the freezing temperatures we’ve experienced this winter, your lawn likely needs some detailed care before spring. Because of grass overgrowth and soil compacting, taking time to rake/dethatch and aerate your lawn will be necessary to allow your lawn to properly absorb water, preventing lawn flooding and leading to a healthier yard.

Additionally, you’ll want to check your sprinkler/watering system to make sure it’s working and isn’t leaving any sitting water or flooding on your property. As a final step, you should seed your yard’s bald spots and provide adequate fertilizer to promote thick grass and deep roots, which enables the lawn to absorb excess water, preventing water runoff.

To learn more, read our previous Waterways blog which dives deeper into these technique


Dead vegetation doesn’t absorb excess water, so it’s important to remove any dead plants or trees from your yard that may have died in the cold winter months. Replacing them with living plants will ensure your yard continues to properly absorb excess water.

For the plants and trees that held strong throughout winter, now is the perfect time to prune them and re-mulch the area beneath them. Not only does mulch help retain moisture in the soil, but it also slows the growth of weeds.

Pick Up Trash

Overflowing trash cans, littering and strong winds can lead to trash buildup in storm drains and canals throughout your neighborhood. As time passes, this trash can build up and can cause flooding along your street, across walkways and nearby trails and along canals. While an overflowing trash can at the curb or a plastic bottle rolling down the street may seem harmless, we encourage you to think about where that trash may end up and do your part to pick up loose trash on and around your property.

While spring may not begin until mid-March, now is the perfect time to implement spring-friendly habits for your yard, home and community.

For more information on IFCD 3 and flood control in Valley Ranch, explore more of our Waterways blogs today! Additionally, make sure you’re following IFCD 3 on X and Facebook for timely updates.